Pumpkin for Dogs – Benefits and Dosage

The pumpkin is a fruit, which is consumed (most often) as a vegetable. It is round and of a beautiful orange color, surmounted by a hard and fibrous peduncle. The taste of its flesh is slightly sweet and its melting texture pleasantly embellishes a large number of comforting Dog Recipes.

The pumpkin is used in the preparation of sweet and salty recipes, and even its seeds have gained much popularity thanks to its high content of vitamins and minerals, which can be considered a natural supplement.

Considering the nutritional value and the properties of the pumpkin, many Dog owners wonder if they can offer this food as a Dog Recipe to their pets to complement their nutrition and what they should consider before doing it. Thinking about it, in this article, we will talk about the possible benefits of pumpkin for dogs, the doses, and the necessary precautions for its incorporation into dog food.

Is the pumpkin good for dogs?

As we have seen in its nutritional composition, pumpkin can be used in Dog Meals rich in vitamins and minerals, so it helps strengthen the immune system and prevent the most common diseases in dogs. Because of its low content of carbohydrates, fats, and sugars, it can be consumed by obese dogs and dogs diagnosed with canine diabetes.

The significant contribution of fibers offered by the pumpkin also helps in the digestive process, stimulating intestinal transit and avoiding constipation or empacho in dogs. In addition, it should be noted its high water content that helps keep the dog well hydrated, avoiding the development of signs of dehydration that occur especially during the summer.

sweet pumpkin

We can affirm not only that dogs can eat pumpkin, but also that their moderate consumption is beneficial for their organism and, consequently, for their health. However, it is important to keep in mind that pumpkin can be added as a supplement to a Dog’s Diet, but it should never be the basis of its nutrition.

How to prepare pumpkins for dogs?

One of the most frequent doubts of the owners is how to offer pumpkins to their dogs to take advantage of all their beneficial properties. We can see that The cooked pumpkin in The Cookbook For Dogs is the best choice for them, since this raw vegetable is very difficult to digest for dogs, and can generate some digestive disorders, such as excessive gas formation.

recipes cookbook for dogs

The simplest and healthiest way to prepare a pumpkin for your best friend is to make a pumpkin puree for dogs, whose preparation only requires cooking the vegetable in water (without salt) and stepping on it with a fork. You can also add a teaspoon of turmeric so that its puree is even more nutritious since this root is an excellent natural supplement, thanks to its anti-inflammatory, digestive, anti-cancer, antioxidant, and anti-glycemic properties.

In addition, you can add the pumpkin to an infinity of homemade sweet and salty Recipes for Dogs to complement your best friend’s diet, both in the form of puree and grated. We have several ideas for homemade recipes with pumpkin, such as exquisite tarts for DIY dogs.

It is also worth remembering that pumpkin can be used in the preparation of a soft diet for constipated dogs, as in the preparation of homemade diets for dogs with diarrhea.

pumpkin soup

Pumpkin dose for dogs

Pumpkin is not one of the prohibited or harmful foods for dogs, it is important to offer the ideal amount according to the size and weight of the dog, to avoid negative effects, such as diarrhea due to excessive intake of fiber.

Keep in mind that the pumpkin, like all vegetables in general, must be given to the dog once cooked, and always in limited quantities. Do not hesitate to ask your veterinarian for advice!

Pumpkin seeds eliminate intestinal worms most effectively when they are freshly ground. This means that you must immediately rectify the pumpkin seeds before administering them to your dog. The recommended doses range from 60 grams for a small dog to 500 grams for a big dog, three times a day. Crushed seeds can be administered directly to the dog or added to wet or dry foods. This should continue until all intestinal worms are gone.

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