Adopt a Dog in An Apartment – Advice & Tips
Adopt a dog in an apartment, is it possible? When you live in an apartment, the question of the adoption of a dog is real, will he be able to manage the loneliness without disturbing the neighbors? Will I have the time to propose enough walks, etc.? Whether you live in an apartment, or not elsewhere! Indeed, when you have a large garden, it seems “normal” to have a dog “to put in”. However, the simple fact of having a large space is of course not enough to take good care of a dog.
I propose today to give you my point of view about the adoption of a dog in an apartment.
To justify my rather decided vision on the subject, let me tell you my story: I am the mistress of a Border Collie: “H”, a dog of soon 5 years that I adopted when he was 1 year old. “H” spent the first year of his life in the kennel of a farm from which he was no longer welcome because he was not at first very interested in herd management (the activity for which he had been selected ). As much to say to you that, flat or not, H was delighted to see something other than the bars of his kennel!
People often make me big eyes when they learn that I live in an apartment, especially with a Border Collie! To make them pass the urge to judge me, I generally only need to say one thing: I prefer a dog who lives in an apartment and who goes out every day and several times a day rather than a dog who will never know the limits of the fence of his garden.
It seems to me important to remember that a dog, whether in an apartment or a house, will only be happy if it is sufficiently spent and that its masters respond coherently and regularly to all of its needs. For the rest, that he sleeps in a pavilion of 1000 ft² with a terrace and garden or in an apartment in the second stage of a building seems very futile.
I often say to myself: fortunately I do not have a garden because I am sure that some days I will be tempted by thoughts such as “oh, never mind, he will have his walk tomorrow” …
And yes, know that a small tour in the garden (or even a whole day) is not synonymous with a ride. Your dog must be able to spend himself every day, as much on the physical level as intellectual or olfactory! And to do this, you must offer him daily walks allowing him to let off steam, meet friends why not and especially to feel all the smells left by his fellow and other species.
But back to our sheep (unlike H, who has nothing to do … You follow?): To the question of whether the adoption of a dog in an apartment is possible, so I answer obviously: Yes!
Nevertheless, here are some tips to consider before (or after) adoption, depending on your situation:
Tip n° 1:
If you have a small apartment, for reasons of comfort, both you and your dog, I do not recommend very large breeds like the German Dog, for example, Newfoundland or the Mountain Pyrenees. I give this advice only for obvious reasons of space management.
Tip n° 2:
Many breeds are more apt to live in an apartment because of their ability to manage loneliness in particular. Some examples? : Bichon Maltese, the Pug, the Boxer (yes yes, even him!), the Whippet or the Welsh Corgi (you know, the favorite race of the Queen of England … who, on the other hand, does not live in an apartment ^^).
Nevertheless, even if these are breeds that are more “adaptable” to apartment living, they are nonetheless dog breeds! And any dog, of any breed, needs to get busy physically and intellectually!
Tip n° 3:
If you adopt a puppy in an apartment, be very careful about learning to clean because it could quickly become a nightmare for you.
Tip n ° 4:
Similarly, one of the most important learning will also be good loneliness management. It’s not about annoying all neighbors with the tears of an anxious dog all day long.
Tip n° 5:
As often as possible, take your dog with you on the road. I have the chance to practice a job that allows me to take my dog almost everywhere, but I have not always been a canine educator. However, I used to work in a company that was “Dog Friendly” and therefore accepted the presence of my dog. Do not hesitate to inquire, it is more and more you know!
On the other hand, if you cannot take your dog to work and you cannot come back home for the day, it is essential to propose an alternative to your doggie. It’s not about leaving him alone for more than 8 hours! You can arrange to bring a friend or even a dog-sitter so that your dog can breathe the body and mind while waiting for your return.
Tip n° 6:
Take out your dog as often as possible (after a meal, a nap, or a game session as these are the three main moments when he will want to do his homework), spend time with him, and spend the good before each of your absences so that he has only one desire when returning home: sleep!
Tip n° 7:
During your absences, take care of your dog, and propose activities to him so that he does not get bored. One of our articles deals with this subject and gives you a maximum of tips to manage to occupy your dog during your absences.
Tip n° 8:
A dog living in an apartment is a dog that evolves in the city. This is a very good thing because it means that he will be accustomed to a lot of diverse and varied situations. However, your dog must have a good education to adapt to the city and integrate easily.