Is Dog Crate Training Right For Your Pet?
Dog crate training can be useful for pets and is developed from concepts based off of their natural behavior. Long before the dogs were domesticated, wild dogs were pack animals, and their instincts are still active though remaining dormant. Dog Crates can represent dens to dogs, as their ancestors used dens to sleep, give birth, and find shelter.
Why Is Dog Crate Training So Important?
Teaching your dog to be comfortable in a crate is useful for housebreaking, traveling with your dog, or creating a safe sanctuary for more nervous animals. This process must be done safely and thoroughly for the well-being of your animals as well as your family.
When selecting a crate, you should purchase or rent one that your pet can both stand inside comfortably in as well as move around comfortably in. That is the best way to figure out the perfect dog crate size and dimensions for your pet. It should feel like a safe place to the dog, and not make the dog feel claustrophobic. It is important to remember that the crate should never be used as a form of punishment because the idea is to create a safe space for them and reinforce positive behavior. Using the crate as a means of punishment will just confuse the dog.
If you have a dog that gets upset and tears up everything in your home when you are not home, a dog crate can be an excellent alternative. All the efforts you put into Dog Crate Training can backfire if you don’t about the steps methodically. You first introduce your pet to it and then gradually increase the time frame you leave your dog inside the crate. You then increase the time that you keep your dog safe in their crate, and you can relax in knowing that they are resting and that your belongings are not going to be destroyed by the time they get home.
If you line the crate with a comfortable blanket, introduce it with food, and take your time doing so, just so that your pet will enjoy it much more. If you ever hear your dog whine or cry, you have kept them in for too long and need to reduce the amount of time they stay in there until they have acclimatized to the environment. If you are teaching your dog to sleep in the crate at night, then you should keep the crate nearby so that they do not begin to associate the dog crate with feeling isolated.
Important points to remember with dog crate training:
When deciding if and how you will crate train your dog, you need to consider its age and temperament. Puppies are still in their developmental stage, so you need to take care to not leave them in the crate for extended periods, as it can impede their social development and cause anxiety. Additionally, remember when Dog Crate Training young puppies under six months old, they still have difficulty controlling their bladders, and should not be left in for more than three to four hours. If kept inside the crate longer, they are more than likely prone to have an accident.
Sometimes this form of dog training can help get rid of anxiety in pets, as it gives them the sense that they have a safe space of their own that they can go rest in. Unfortunately, for some dogs, anxiety is a chronic or more complicated issue. If your dog seems upset or whines consistently at the thought of or while inside the dog crate, it may not be the right option for them. If your dog already suffers from separation anxiety, your attempts at dog crate training will only exacerbate the situation. If you have considered this technique with your pet, all you need is the proper sized crate, some time set aside, and a whole lot of patience. With consistent attention and love, dog crate training can make life better for you and your loved pet dog.